First round
Steal from the enemy
Buster and his righthand mand Sgt. Tipps has now welcomed 12 new members into the gang, however, only one will have the privilege to stay in the end as an official member!
Buster and his crew welcomes the newcomers, exchanging a few words with them all as a group. Mostly about their reason to be at the junkyard. The newcomers get some time to look around the junkyard and get to know some of the others. Later Buster will gather them all again to divide them into 4 groups of 3. The 4 groups will each be given a task; to steal from one of the animals who is an enemy to the junkyard (that could be any animal, living nearby the Junkyard and therefore could obtain more power or steal from them, etc.). The newcomers will have to work together in their groups, and go to the place they were sent to, plan who does what and steal something from the enemy, to bring back to Buster. When they come back, Buster will have a chat with each animal private, to get the best view of who doesn’t deserves to be in the junkyard so far.
- Show the animals gather in the junkyard, meeting Buster for the first time.
- Show your character’s free time (right after the first meeting with Buster).
- Show Buster call everybody together and divide the groups.
- Show your group at the given place.
- Show your group steal something from the enemy and how it goes (they could fail, succed or get caught but still get away, it's up to you!)
- Do not show your group return to the junkyard just yet, end the video after you have completed your task.
- Post a link to your video in the comments or a pm!
Team 1. Chief, Rita, Sasha
Team 2. Thomas O'Malley, Charlie, Perdita
Team 3. Pongo, Copper, Niju
Team 4. Rain, Simba, Balto
Team 1. Roscoe
Team 2. Kaltag (& Co.)
Team 3. Scat Cat & Co.
Team 4. Desoto
**NOTES about the enemies**
- Desoto and Roscoe are still brothers, but rule individual territories
- The group who will go to Kaltag's territory can choose to add Star and Nikki, if they want, but remember that those two are only a part of Kaltag's "gang"
- The Scat Cats are a gang, but their leader is Scat Cat
- If your character has any relationship to one of the enemies, you can roleplay with that, your choice!
23:59 CE(S)T
(Remember, if you write to us BEFORE the deadline, that you won't be able to finish, you will get one more day, in this case until 15/12/2017 23:50 CE(S)T, but no more than that!)