Point system
- Each video will be judged by all the judges after each round.
- The audition videos will also be judged, but will however be kept a secret.
- The person with the less amount of points after each round will be eliminated.
*We put all the points together from each round, when we have to determin who's going to be eliminated.
- Your video will recieve 1 - 10 points for each video.
- You will be judged in three categories: Creativity, Story & Aesthetics.
*In each category you will recieve points from 1 - 10, but you will also get an overall score, based on the categories.
*The overall score is the one that counts when it comes to elimination.
- If you don't complete or finish your video on time, you won't get any points for that round.
- The one with the lowest overall score after each round, will be eliminated.
- If you get eliminated your characters picture will be removed from the contestants page, on this website, so make sure to check that after each round!
- If more people does not finish to the deadline, the one with the lowest auditionpoints will be eliminated.
- Meet the deadlines.
*If you don't meet the deadline, you won't get any points for that round.
*We will send no reminders, it's your responsibility.
*You can have a 24h extension, if really needed. NOT ANY LONGER.
- Only use your OWN maskings/backgrounds/colors/etc.
- Follow the rules and themes for each round.
- Upload your entry for each round on your channel and send us a link, pm or comment.
- treat each other with respect and be nice.
Include each other in your vidoes. Talk and do plots, that will only help you gain more points. You can have had a past together or become enemies later on, the ideas are endless!
Just remember to ask each other!
Also ask us if you wanna include any of the junk yard members more than the rounds allow (like a past relationship or so).
- The winner will recieve either an icon, bg, manip, coloring, turtorial, etc. Just after their wish, made by one of the judges.
- Their channel will be featured on the DaringCrossoverChannel.
- they get the opportunity to design the channels icon, which will be there until a new winner of a new contest is found.
- They will get the character they used for the contest added on the DaringCrossoverCOntest's BG.